Delectable Nollywood actress and mother of one, Regina Daniels Nwoko has taken to her social media page to celebrate the birthday of one of Nigeria's superstar, David Adeleke popularly known as Davido or OBO. In the picture she shared, Davido was carrying Regina Daniels cute son, Munir Nwoko beaming with all smiles.
Regina Daniels is one of the most beautiful actresses in Nigeria and one of most influential actresses in the Nigerian movie industry. Regina Daniels son has sure grown into a big boy and very adorable too.
Today being the 21st of November, 2020 marks the birthday of award-winning Nigerian superstar, Davido and many other popular Nigerian celebrities have all been wishing him well on their social media pages. Regina Daniels Nwoko is not left out in this as she shared a very lovely of Davido carrying her cure son, Munir Nwoko and wished him a happy birthday.
Seems Davido visited Regina Daniels Nwoko in her husband's house in Abuja and had a good time with her son. Davido sure knows how to have a good time with himself and with people around him.
The pictures look so adorable and beautiful as Davido is beaming with smiles carrying Regina Daniels son.