Is this fashion or immorality


Is this fashion or immorality

Mar 8, 2021 11:36 AM

I think it is time to stop calling "IMMORALITY" as "FASHION". In those day, what we all know is that it is a disgrace for a young lady or girl to be loose enough to allow her nudity to be seen.

However, what we see today is different from the olden days that ladies have turned nudity or nakedness into a normal thing, which is wrong and all these starts from moving with bad friends.

We are now in a world where immorality has become famous and morality is now like you are commiting a crime and nothing is done about it and this has its own negative effects in the society.

But, I think You and I can do our best to convince our young ones to see the rights from wrong by crying aloud to the deaf teenagers who are promoting nudity in our society.

Do you think we can curb these act in the nearest future.

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