Meet The Top 2 Most Endowed Women In Nigeria


When it comes to beauty, endowment and other physical beauties, their are sets of people who are specifically blessed with super oriental features... Some are blessed with very huge curves, while others are heavenly endowed.

This has caused the less privilege ones to go under the cut of having surgeries, this including celebrities, actress and many top models. Nonetheless their are still ladies who appreciate the way they are created and may they be blessed for remaining the way, they were made.

Today we will be comparing the top two nigerian most endowed ladies, recently a good competitor has been seen on social media and seems to be a challenge to popular actress cossy orjiakof. Both ladies are blessed with beautiful faces and plus size figures, and this makes them standout among other ladies.

Lets have a loom at them......

Cossy Orjiakor

Cossy Orjiakor is a Nigerian actress, singer, producer and video vixen. She came to limelight after featuring in a music video by Obesere. She was born October 1986.

here are beautiful and adorable pictures of cossy oriajakof.


Unknown Competitor

This plus-size lady has left tongues wagging after she flaunted her eye-popping assets on social media.

The well-endowed lady posed in an outfit that left little to the imagination of men.

This is a big machine that can only be handled by experienced drivers... Lol!


who do you think is more endowed and whose own is natural?, are both natural or fake let us know everything going on in your mind in the comment section below.

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