Moment secondary school student goes on her knees to propose to another female student while other students cheer sparks outrage online (video)


The video of a female student proposing to her fellow female student in a secondary school has served rounds on social media.

In the viral video, a female student in school uniform can be seen shyly walking to the middle of a courtyard while other students who crowded the yard, watched and hailed her.

As she got to the middle of the courtyard, another female student in trousers approaches her, kneels, and then proposes to her.

The girl in skirt is seen accepting the proposal before both of them hug each other. Behind the love birds are other students, holding placards to help the female student in trousers propose to the one in a skirt.

The video, said to have been recorded in a school in South Africa, has gone viral with a number of people having a problem with it.

Nigerian actress, Uche Nnanna questioned why children in secondary school should be allowed to openly display love at all, let alone two girls engaging in a same-sex relationship.

The actress wrote,

Hey guys I have been so worried ever since I saw this video, not here to judge anybody’s sexuality though. But then really want to know when secondary schools started encouraging such activities like even a boy proposing to a girl not to talk of girl to girl.

I thought such acts are not welcomed in a secondary school someone should please educate me.

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