“We need to divide because I’m tired of the hatred they have for Igbo people.”- US-based Nigerian rapper, Speed Darlington (Akpi) demands for an Igbo President or break up after an alleged discrimination during his court case (VIDEO)


S-based Nigerian singer, entertainer and an intending Presidential Aspirant, Darlington Okoye, popularly known as Speed Darlington or Akpi, has lamented the tribal racism of the country, stating that the judge made an injustice during his Covid court trial.

The singer took to his Facebook page to pour out his anger, demanding for an Igbo man to take over the presidential office after the tenure of the current Nigeria President, Muhammadu Buhari.

In his words, Darlington said:

“Igbo man for president otherwise we will break up. What I experienced today at the Court made me so angry. How can the Judge make Yoruba man to pay Fifty Thousand Naira (N50,000), he made Yoruba woman pay 50,000 Naira, when it’s Igbo man turn the Judge said I will pay 100,000 Naira. I said why?


Someone said me that it is because I said not guilty, and later on, I said I’m guilty, for that reason I’m stressing the court that why it fined me extra.”

He further added that the trial was done so because he is an Igbo by the tribe.

“We need to divide this country. I was so unhappy! I felt it because I am an Igbo person. If they did not make Igbo man President then we need to break up and our new country won’t punish someone because of his tribe or color of the skin.”

Watch him speak below

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