After My Father Died At The Age Of 13, I Started Hawking corn – Success Journey of Nollywood Actress, Rachael Okonkwo(photos)


It’ s important to note that none of these celebrities performed any sort of miracle in order to get to where they are today. Some people were born with silver spoons in their mouths, no doubt, while others had to work extremely hard throughout their lives in order to survive by God’ s grace.

Rachael Okonkwo is an example of a star who did menial jobs at an early age in order to provide for her family.

Rachael is most recognized for her role as Nkoli Nwa Nsukka in the six- part movie titled, Nkoli Nwa Nsukka, ” which she co- starred in. Nkoli Nwa Nsukka, as she is well known, was born in Enugu state, and began her professional filmmaking career in 2005.

Her Childhood Days After Her Father’ s Death, as Well as How She Became a Hawker

Growing up was quite difficult for the actress, especially after she lost her father when she was just thirteen years old. After her father died, she had a tough time adjusting to adulthood. She hawked grain and groundnuts, and she did a variety of menial jobs to provide for her family’ s needs. One thing about her that stands out is that she was able to remain focused despite all of the obstacles.

She eventually dabbled with acting, but her late mother was initially opposed to her pursuing a career in the entertainment industry. Her mother was under the impression that she was not on the correct route. However, as she got more aware of her own potential, she became her most ardent supporter and admirer. And, ever since then, the actress has gone from one level of success to another.

How She Got Her Stage Name ” Oteegwu” After She Quit Acting to Pursue Her Dancing Career

Racheal Okonkwo’ s professional career in Nigerian film and television began in 2005, when she officially joined the industry. She appeared in around seven films before deciding to leave the industry. She went on to work as a dancer in the music industry later in life.

Due to her appearance in the bulk of evangelical music videos, she gained the term ” oteegwu, ” which translates as ” great dancer, ” which she used to refer to herself. She returned to Nollywood and continued to perform till the film ” Nkoli Nwa Nsukka” came along and provided her with a reprieve from the spotlight.

Her Role In ” Nkoli Nwa Nsuka, ” As Well As The Difficulties She Had In Interpreting The Role

Prior to the film, Nkoli Nwa Nsuka, she had previously been in a number of movies, including Olamma, the Cripple, King Harold, and Marine Daughters, among others. Consequently, she was both nervous and intrigued when she received a copy of the screenplay following the audition.

She didn’ t consider herself to be a comedian or someone who could portray a comedic role, so that was the first hurdle she had to overcome.

However, once they began filming, the director had to work with her to make her more comfortable, and she improved scene by scene. Formerly, she had expressed concern about her ability to succeed in the sector, since she was not tall or affluent enough, but today, the inverse is true.

A Combination Of Her Most Memorable And Most Embarrassing Moments Since Entering The Nollywood Industry

She stated that one of her favourite experiences as an actress occurred while she and her co- stars were filming seasons 5 and 6 of ” Nkoli Nwa Nsukka. ” The moment they arrived at the location, people gathered and started chanting and dragging her because she has become popular as a result of the film.

She had no idea how quickly she had risen to such prominence. In fact, she ran back into the car and burst into tears of joy since, at the time, she couldn’ t believe she had become so well- known in such a short period of time.

Her uncomfortable moment occurred when she exited her vehicle in order to ask someone a question, and when the person discovered she was the one, he leaped to his feet and kissed her on the lips. A large number of people witnessed this because it occurred amid a traffic congestion.

The lovely actress was so ashamed that she really wanted to depart the scene as soon as possible. As a public figure, this is something that they must become accustomed to, and it was one of such instances.

The Four Actresses She Admired Had Accomplished A Great Deal Before She Entered The Business

During her interview, Rachael Okonkwo listed four actresses who she respected and looked up to before she entered the Nollywood profession. Genevieve Nnaji, Tonto Dikeh, Angelina Jolie, and Funke Akindele are the four actresses. These four well- known actresses were her role models, as well as persons she greatly loved and adored.

She went on to say that she will never forget the words of encouragement she received from Tonto Dike during her first collaboration with her.

The Story Of The Beautiful Actress’ Career Success

Nkoli Nwa Nsuka is one of the most successful actresses in Nigeria’ s film industry. She lost her father at a young age, but she has accomplished a great deal in her professional life despite this setback. She is currently an ambassador for some organizations, and she has garnered various honours and nominations during her career.

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